FABBS was delighted to gather in person, bringing together our Board members, Council of Representatives, and Corporate Affiliates, for our 2022 annual meeting on December 5th. FABBS is grateful to SAGE Publishing for their support and the American Psychological Association for providing the stunning venue.
FABBS President Philip Rubin, PhD, Haskins Laboratories and Yale University, welcomed attendees, provided opening remarks, and facilitated a lively activity that matched FABBS veterans and newcomers to the FABBS family.
FABBS members had the opportunity to hear from speakers in leadership positions at federal scientific agencies that support and rely on behavioral and brain sciences. Presentations were followed by lively discussions and valuable information sharing.
- Antoinette WinklerPrins, PhD, Deputy Division Director, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Division, and Andy DeSoto, PhD, Senior Advisor, both of the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate (SBE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Susan Coller Monarez, PhD, Acting Deputy Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)
- Christine Hunter, PhD, Acting Director, Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH OBSSR)
- Kei Koizumi, PhD, Principal Deputy Director for Policy, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Despite lingering challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been an exciting year at FABBS with numerous advocacy wins. We welcomed our newest member, the Society of Behavioral Medicine; we became an inaugural member on an alliance supporting thoughtful open science, supported a NASEM study on behavioral ontology, and launched the FABBS Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Award. This award honors scientists who further these principles in the brain and behavioral sciences through distinguished research contributions, professional practice, a track record of mentorship, and overall positive impact on underrepresented populations in our sciences. Stay tuned for the official announcement in 2023.
FABBS thanks our attendees for joining us and representing the many disciplines in our sciences. FABBS looks forward to advancing our fields in the year ahead!