NASEM Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences Celebrates 25 Years 

The 25th Anniversary Meeting was the first for BBCSS Board Director, Daniel Weiss, who joined the National Academies in June of 2022. BBCSS provides vision for advancing public policy and practice by leveraging cutting-edge research in behavioral, cognitive, and sensory sciences. Since its inception in 1997, ad hoc BBCSS study committees have issued dozens of reports on topics such as the aging mind; behavioral modeling and simulation; field evaluation; human behavior in military contexts; how people learn; polygraph and lie detection; threatening communications and behavior; and visual impairment. Hundreds of volunteers, including leading experts from FABBS member societies, have served as members of Board and on the ad hoc committees. 

For the first panel, BBCSS Chair Terrie Moffitt, Duke University, welcomed former chairs and directors to reflect on their experiences while they were at the helm of the Board. Speakers, in all sessions, included current and former FABBS presidents and executive directors: 

  • Philip Rubin, Haskins Laboratories and Yale University, current FABBS President 
  • Susan Fiske, Princeton University, former FABBS President and editor of our journal  
  • Barbara Wanchisen, former Executive Director of FABBS 
  • Adrienne Stith Butler, American Psychological Association 

A second panel featured collaborators, partners, and funders who were invited to share lessons learned from their experience engaging with BBCSS: 

  • Lis Nielsen, National Institute of Aging 
  • Cheri Wiggs, National Eye Institute 
  • Cynthia Null, NASA  and first full-time Executive Director of FABBS 
  • Daniel Goroff, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and National Science Foundation 
  • Steven Breckler, National Science Foundation 
  • Mitchell Prinstein, American Psychological Association 

The final session included two presentations with an eye to future areas of research for the Board to consider: 

  • Normal Blindness: How We “Walk Sightless Among Miracles” by Jeremy Wolfe, Harvard Medical School, former FABBS President   
  • Reflection on Cognition, Consensus, Conflict, and the Work of the National Academies by Tia Powell, Albert Einstein College of Medicine 

BBCSS, NASEM, National Academies of Sciences