Teaching Resources

Tools for Teachers

Cognitive Psychology in the Real World” video series

Following a course from George Washington University, this set of short videos are a glimpse into the many ways cognitive sciences apply to our daily lives.

Psychology Coursework Supplements Using Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS) [PDF]

PIBBS articles discuss the state of cutting-edge research with policy implications in short, readable language, making them a great addition to undergraduate and graduate courses.

Teaching Research Methods and Statistics Online [PDF] (updated 8/6/20)

This compilation of online resources will assist educators in creating a more interactive and accessible educational experience for students in the current online or hybrid instruction settings.

Reading Materials


Psychology and the Real World: Essays Illustrating Fundamental Contributions to Society is a collection of brief, personal, original essays, ranging in length from 2,500 to 3,500 words, in which leading academic psychologists describe what their area of research has contributed to society. The authors are true stars in the field of psychology. Some of their work (for example, Elizabeth Loftus’s studies of false memories, Paul Ekman’s research on facial expression, and Elliot Aronson’s “jigsaw,” or cooperative, classroom studies) is well known to the public. The research of others is less familiar to nonspecialists, but no less fascinating.

The book is designed to supplement introductory psychology textbooks. It is unique in the world of textbook ancillaries in that it does not reprint writings. Rather, innovative psychological scientists clearly and entertainingly tell readers why their research matters and how their line of inquiry developed.

Scientists Making a Difference

Scientists Making a Difference is a fascinating collection of first-person narratives from the top psychological scientists of the modern era. These readable essays highlight the most important contributions to theory and research in psychological science, show how the greatest psychological scientists formulate and think about their work, and illustrate how their ideas develop over time. In particular, the authors address what they consider their most important scientific contribution, how they got the idea, how the idea matters for the world beyond academic psychology, and what they would like to see as the next steps in research. The contributors, who were chosen from an objectively compiled list of the most eminent psychological scientists, provide a broad range of insightful perspectives. This book is essential reading for students, researchers and professionals interested in learning about the development of the biggest ideas in modern psychological science, described firsthand by the scientists themselves.

Writing Successful Grant Proposals from the Top Down and Bottom Up

Written by well-respected editors with proven success in grant writing, Writing Successful Grant Proposals will provide comprehensive advice on how to build a successful grant proposal, from the top down and from the bottom up. The book provides advice on planning, executing, submitting, and revising grant proposals in order to maximize their chances of success.


  •  Explores general strategies and tactics including laying the groundwork, follow-up, attracting colleagues to participate, revisions, and resubmissions
  •  Examines key mistakes that grant-proposers often make and offers suggestions for how to avoid them
  •  Includes tips for writing specific proposal for various agencies