FABBS Endorses Data Science and Literacy Act

Congresswoman Haley Stevens introduced the Data Science and Literacy Act with Representatives Jim Baird (R-IN), Don Beyer (D-VA, and Young Kim (R-CA).  FABBS has endorsed this legislation.

The Data Science and Literacy Act supports a voluntary program at the Department of Education through which educational entities (PreK- 12 and two- and four-year colleges) can apply for funding to increase access to data science and literacy education. Given the growing use of data across a variety of fields and increase of data-intensive jobs, data science and literacy education are critical for building America’s STEM workforce. Improved access to data literacy education would also prepare students to make more informed decisions and understand uncertainty in their daily lives.

To learn more about data science and literacy, see our curated list of articles from the Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS):

Public Understanding of Science: Policy and Educational Implications.

Helping People Know Whether Measurements Have Good or Bad Implications: Increasing the Evaluability of Health and Science Data Communications.

Deeper Learning with Advances in Discourse Science and Technology.

Research on Learning and Instruction: Implications for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.

Strengthening STEM Instruction in Schools: Learning from Research.

Advanced Educational Technology for Science Inquiry Assessment.

Comparison and Explanation of Multiple Strategies: One Example of a Small Step Forward for Improving Mathematics Education.

Analogy and Higher Order Thinking: Learning Mathematics as an Example.

Cognitive Science Research Can Improve Undergraduate STEM Instruction: What are the Barriers?

Recommendations from Cognitive Psychology for Enhancing the Teaching of Natural-Science Categories.

congress, Data Literacy, Data Science, Data Science and Literacy Act, STEM