FABBS Submits Comments on NIMH and NEI Strategic Plans and NIH Data Sharing Proposal

January 15, 2020

In response to requests for comment, FABBS provided feedback to draft strategic plans for the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Eye Institute (NEI). FABBS collaborated with the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Sciences (CAAPS) on comments to NIMH. Dr. Josh Gordon, NIMH Director, had said that the revision would be a ‘refresh’ rather that a ‘rewrite’. The joint comments commended the NIMH on important improvements in the draft strategic plan, raised concerns about limited attention to behavioral science, and provided specific recommendations, including an edit to the wording of Goal 1.

FABBS member society, Vision Sciences Society (VSS), submitted comments on the NEI strategic plan, encouraged their members to comment, and helped to inform the FABBS comments as well. Similar to the NIMH draft plan, VSS and FABBS encouraged NEI to include mention of the behavioral and cognitive sciences in their areas of emphasis.

Also in January, FABBS responded to a request for comment on the Draft NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing. The goal of this NIH effort is to make federal funded data publically available, while protecting privacy, and create opportunities for validation of research and strengthening analysis. FABBS supports these goals and encouraged NIH to be mindful of other requirements for NIH-funded research, such as Clinical Trial reporting, so as not to produce unintended, adverse consequences.