December 18, 2019
FABBS would like to thank Nora S. Newcombe, Temple University, for her tremendous service to FABBS. Dr. Newcombe will be ending her two-year term as FABBS President at the end of the year. We asked her for some parting words of wisdom.

What led you to become the president of the FABBS board?
Scientists often complain about lack of funding, lack of understanding of what they do, and failure to translate their data and insights into policies. One of my major goals as a scientist is to transcend complaints, and turn them into action. FABBS understands how to make a difference.
With your presidency behind you, what is something that you learned about advocating for behavioral and brain sciences in Washington, DC?
It’s one thing to be aware in a general way about how complex the DC scene is, and how long it takes to make a difference. It’s another thing to follow it closely for two years (or four years counting my time as President-Elect). Patience is key, but patience coupled with strategic objectives.
Can you tell us about a FABBS accomplishment that you are most proud of during your tenure?
We navigated the departure of our Executive Director, Paula Skedsvold, and brought on board a highly capable new ED, Juliane Baron. The ED is the heart and soul (and brain) of FABBS.
Any advice for our next FABBS president, Roxy Silver?
I think Roxy will bring her own perspective to this role. I look forward to working with her and the President-Elect Phil Rubin as a team with different disciplinary perspectives and complementary interests and goals.