November 16, 2018
On November 5, the White House National Science and Technology Council issued draft report, “Health Research and Development to Stem the Opioid Crisis: A Federal Roadmap.” The report identifies research and development (R&D) “critical to addressing key gaps in knowledge and tools and opportunities to improve coordination of Federal R&D essential to combating the opioid crisis.” The development of the report was overseen by the Fast Track Action Committee on Health Science and Technology Response to the Opioid Crisis, co-chaired by NSF’s Fay Lomax Cook and NIH’s Wilson M. Compton.
The report highlights seven areas of opioid research and makes research recommendations in each area. The research areas are: 1) the biology and chemistry of opioid addiction and pain, 2) non-biological contributors to opioid addiction, 3) pain management, 4) prevention of opioid addiction, 5) treatment of opioid addiction and withdrawal, 6) overdose prevention and recovery, and 7) community consequences of opioid addiction.
The deadline for comments is December 5, 2018. Respondents are asked to clearly indicate which area they are addressing and provide the section and page number pertaining to their comments. Comments should be sent via email to: Complete instructions for submitting comments, are available via the Federal Register notice.
FABBS Comments on the NIH Minority Health and Health Disparities Strategic Plan for 2026-2030