NICHD to Update Strategic Plan: Opportunities for Input

September 20, 2018

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) recently announced its plans to update its strategic plan . NICHD plays a significant role in supporting behavioral and brain science research and research training activities.

Behavioral and brain science researchers are encouraged to communicate with the Institute about sustaining NICHD support for our sciences.  This input will be particularly helpful and informative for members of the NICHD Strategic Plan Working Group who are meeting in mid-October to formulate the plan’s outline and key objectives.

Currently, NICHD is seeking informal, general public input through its Twitter account, @NICHD_NIH (Sample tweet: Sustain #NICHD support for behavioral & brain sciences to understand how development affects long-term health and well being of children & adults #NICHDStrategicPlan). Ideas or comments are also being accepted via email at

In addition, there will be an interactive webinar, open to the public, on Wednesday, October 3rd, beginning at 2pm, in which participants can submit comments and questions. See NICHD’s strategic plan webpage for updates.

Finally, a Request for Information is expected to be posted in December. This will provide a formal opportunity to provide input on the strategic plan.