2022 Presentations and Additional Materials

8:30 amBreakfast
9:00 amWelcome and Introductions (slides)
Philip Rubin, FABBS President
9:30 amUpdates from the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate at the NSF (slides)
: Antoinette WinklerPrins, Deputy Division Director, BCS
Presenter: Andy DeSoto, Senior Advisor
Chair: Rae Silver, FABBS Vice President 
10:30 amFABBS Awards (slides)
Roxane Cohen Silver, FABBS Past President
11:00 amIntroducing ARPA-H, the Applied Research Projects Agency in Health, Opportunities for Behavioral and Brain Scientists (slides)
Presenter: Susan Monarez, Acting Deputy Director, ARPA-H
Chair: Roxane Cohen Silver
12:00 pmLunch
12:45 pmFABBS 2022 Highlights (slides)
Juliane Baron, FABBS Executive Director
1:00 pmIntegrating the Behavioral and Brain Sciences at NIH (slides).
Presenter: Christine Hunter, Acting Director, Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research at NIH
Chair: Jeff Zacks, FABBS President-elect
2:00 pmOSTP and the Biden-Harris Administration’s S&T Policy Agenda
Presenter: Kei Koizumi, Principal Deputy Director for Policy, Office of Science and Technology Policy           
Chair: Philip Rubin, FABBS President
3:00 pmTable Talk
Open Science: Data sharing and management requirements and challenges
Open Science: Exploring new business models for journals
Society processes and criteria for signing letters or issuing statements
Society efforts to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and access: Progress and challenges
3:30 pmWrap Up
Philip Rubin, FABBS President
4:00 pmMeeting Concludes