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NASEM Ontologies Committee Holds First Workshop

June 9, 2021

The National Academies convened the first committee workshop for Accelerating Behavioral Science through Ontology Development and Use on May 24, titled, “What Are Ontologies And How Are They Used In Science?’ This study is being led by the Board on Behavioral, …

NASEM Workshop Explores Culture of Data Management and Sharing

On April 28 – 29, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) hosted a workshop for researchers, institutions, and funders to examine strategies to promote effective data management and sharing. Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), …

FABBS Supports Efforts to Advance Open Science

As the federal government and scientific societies work to increase the openness of science, FABBS is supporting a NASEM study on behavioral ontology, providing information on federal requirements and successful examples of sharing, and informing federal policies and practices.

The …

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