Articles tagged as

Early Career Award

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Researcher Studies Black Fatherhood and Mental Health to Improve Youth Developmental Outcomes

Key Findings Accessibility of mental health services must be improved for Black families and children. Black fathers often feel excluded from many early child services. Emphasizing engagement with Black fathers in child services has positive impacts on the father and…

Researcher Explores the Interaction of Emotions and Memories in the Human Brain Network 

April 14, 2022 

Key Findings 

The hippocampus is crucial in reactivating the brain patterns associated with episodic memories. The “PMAT” framework, a highly influential model of human memory, involves two memory systems – the posterior medial (PM) and anterior temporal…

A Glimpse at the Mind-Body Connection Under the Microscope

October 7, 2021

Key Findings  Psychological stress leads to physiological changes within microscopic parts of the human cell Microscopic change affects cellular signaling, which carries through levels of the human body complex Human aging is not necessarily linear and this…

Want the Truth? Play the Game.

Dr. Greg Trevors, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of South Carolina, researches the ways to correct misconceptions about socio-scientific issues, including vaccines, genetically modified food, and climate change, among others.

Surviving puberty: Researcher Looks Broadly at Early Life Experiences and Genetics to Help Identify Children Who May Benefit from Clinical Interventions as They Approach Adolescence

July 15, 2021

Puberty and adolescence are tough times for most.  But for some teens, and even pre-teens, these years are particularly grueling and even dangerous because of factors out of their control and as far back as gestation.


Using Data from Natural Experiments, Researcher Documents Social Returns from Educational Investments

Emily Rauscher, PhD

Want to narrow the achievement gap? Try investing in education. Build a new school or a new wing. Or make other capital improvements, like fixing the HVAC.

It will take about six years, explains Emily Rauscher, an …