FABBS Responds to NIH RFIs on Draft Public Access Policy and NIAMS Strategic Plan

FABBS recently responded to two NIH requests for information (RFIs), the first on its Draft Public Access Policy and the second on the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Strategic Plan. FABBS regularly weighs in on comment opportunities to ensure that the voices of our disciplines are represented.

NIH Draft Public Access Policy

Over the past two years, the NIH has been working to meet the goals outlined in the August 2022 memorandum issued by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Often referred to as the Nelson memo, this document called on federal agencies to ensure free, immediate, and equitable access to federally funded research. In 2023, the NIH put out an RFI on its plan to enhance public access to the results of NIH-supported research, to which FABBS responded. Additionally, FABBS joined a community sign-on letter led by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  

After reviewing the public comments submitted in 2023, the NIH released a new Draft Public Access Policy and solicited feedback via a second RFI in the summer of 2024. FABBS once again submitted comments, highlighting several important issues and making recommendations, including: 

  • Proposing that the NIH update the draft policy to include “biomedical and behavioral research,” rather than just “biomedical research,” to better align with the current NIH strategic plan. 
  • Encouraging the NIH to carefully consider public concerns that ensuring public access to research results will not necessarily ensure equitable access. 
  • Advising the NIH to think through opportunities for capturing null findings, which are often difficult to publish. 
  • Recommending that, in its policy, the NIH differentiate between commercial/for-profit publishers and society publishers. 

[See FABBS Response to NIH Draft Public Access Policy] 

NIAMS 2025-2029 Strategic Plan 

 On August 7, FABBS responded to an RFI soliciting feedback on the Draft NIAMS Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2025-2029. The strategic plan for research serves as the institute’s tool to communicate its priorities and provide direction for research efforts funded by NIAMS. 

FABBS’ comments focused on the need for NIAMS to update its current plan to better align with the NIH and federal government-wide increased incorporation of behavioral and social sciences. We cited three documents demonstrating the importance of these disciplines to health: 

[See FABBS Response to NIAMS Strategic Plan RFI]