FABBS Showcases NSF Funding Opportunities for the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

FABBS and the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) teamed up with program directors from the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Directorate at the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a presentation outlining key funding opportunities for our members.

[Webinar Recording]

Opening remarks were delivered by Joan Serrano, Division Director, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences. Four programs were highlighted in this webinar:

FABBS would like to thank Jennifer Mangels, COGDOP, and Andy DeSoto, NSF, for their support in organizing and sharing this webinar.

NSF also released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) highlighting a new initiative led by SBE, entitled Centers for Research and Innovation in Science, the Environment and Society (CRISES). Through this funding opportunity, NSF seeks to invest in ideas that can potentially serve as the basis for a larger, center-scale activity. The centers will develop evidence-based solutions that address fundamental quality-of-life issues, such as those involving the environment, extreme weather and sustainability; workforce and the economy; equity and access to opportunities; and well-being. 

[NSF SBE Dear Colleague Letter on CRISES Initiative]