April 30, 2020
The repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic are affecting almost every aspect of our daily lives. Beyond the catastrophic physical health and economic implications, the pandemic is introducing new challenges in the scientific research enterprise, including the stigmatization of Asians. A report by the Asian Pacific Policy Planning Council indicates that racial discrimination incidents have increased since the beginning of the pandemic.
On March 5, Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives that denounces the anti-Asian sentiment caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus. Senators Harris, Duckworth and Hirono are expected to introduce a companion resolution in the Senate, per a press release issued earlier this month. FABBS was one of 50 scientific societies on a sign on to a letter from the scientific community, condemning anti-Asian stigmatization.
A statement from the Asian American Psychological Association about anti-Asian stigma provides clear guidance on how to address such stigmatization when confronted with it. Behavioral scientists have been examining the impacts of COVID-19 on hundreds of families of Asian descent. the National Science FOundation has provided support for research related to discrimination facing Chinese American families in the era of COVID-19.
For more on COVID-19 Advocacy, see the the section on our COVID-19 page.