October 23, 2019
Board President, Nora Newcombe, announces our incoming and continuing FABBS board officers and members. “It is an honor to congratulate and welcome these accomplished individuals to the FABBS board. Their professional experiences and topical expertise will be a tremendous asset to the important work of FABBS to advance the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior.”
Philip Rubin, Ph.D., Yale University and Haskins Laboratories, will serve as President-elect. Dr. Rubin has held numerous important roles in the federal government at the National Science Foundation, the National Research Council, the White House, and across scientific societies and academic organizations. He is best known for his research and technological developments related to understanding the biological bases of speech and language and their disorders, and for his national roles in the areas of behavioral and social science, neuroscience, and research ethics. Dr. Rubin previously served as a Member-at-Large on the FABBS board from 2009-2011.
Rae Silver, Ph.D., Columbia and Barnard, will serve as Vice President-elect. Her research has been supported by the National Institutes of Mental Health, and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Office of Naval Research. As Senior Advisor at the National Science Foundation, she helped to create a series of workshops to examine opportunities for advances in Neuroscience through interdisciplinary efforts. Dr. Sliver previously served as the FABBS council representative for the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology .
Leaetta Hough, Ph.D., Dunnette Group, Ltd is currently serving as treasurer of the FABBS board and will continue for a second term. Dr. Hough also served as past president of FABBS as well as the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). Dr. Hough is one of the world’s leaders in developing innovative candidate assessment systems. Her focus is on creating tools to reliably evaluate a candidate’s workplace characteristics that predict on-the-job outcomes, such as job performance, advancement, innovation, learning efficiency, engagement, and retention.
Frances H. Gabbay, Ph.D., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, will serve a second term as Member-at-Large. Her research conforms to an emerging view, that mental disorders represent extreme ends of continuously distributed dimensions reflecting fundamental psychobiological processes. Dr. Gabbay received the New Investigator Award from the NIAAA and her research has been supported by NIDA, the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr. Gabbay previously represented the Society for Psychophysiological Research on the FABBS Council.
Alice Ann Holland, Ph.D., Children’s Medical Center Dallas (CMCD) and UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW), will serve as a Member-at-Large on the FABBS board. Dr. Holland heads an active research lab investigating genetic and intrapersonal factors influencing neurocognitive outcomes in medically complex children, adolescents, and young adults, with a focus on pediatric oncology and rare brain diseases. Dr. Holland previously served as the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) Council Representative to FABBS.
Jeffrey Schall, Ph.D., Vanderbilt and founding director of the Center for Integrative & Cognitive Neuroscience, will serve as a Member-at-Large on the FABBS board. Dr. Schall has been supported continuously since 1986 by grants from NEI as well as NIMH, NSF, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for his work investigating how the brain selects targets for action, controls the initiation of actions, and monitors the consequences of actions. Dr. Schall has represented the Vision Science Society on the FABBS Council.
Their terms will begin on January 1, 2020, joining the rest of our current FABBS Board.