In Honor Of…Susan Fiske
Honoring scientists who have made important and lasting contributions to the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior.
Susan T. Fiske, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs
Princeton University
Dr. Susan T. Fiske (Harvard University PhD; honorary doctorates: Université catholique de Louvain-la-neuve, Universiteit Leiden, Universität Basel) investigates social cognition, especially cognitive stereotypes and emotional prejudices, at cultural, interpersonal, and neuro-scientific levels. Author of over 300 publications and winner of numerous scientific awards, she has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
Sponsored by a Guggenheim, her 2011 Russell-Sage-Foundation book is Envy Up, Scorn Down: How Status Divides Us. Her most recent book is The HUMAN Brand: How We Respond to People, Products, and Companies (with Chris Malone). With Shelley Taylor, she wrote four editions of a classic graduate text: Social Cognition, and solo, three editions of an advanced undergraduate text, Social Beings: Core Motives in Social Psychology.
She currently edits for Annual Review of Psychology, PNAS, and FABBS’s own Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences. She earlier edited Social Neuroscience, Beyond Common Sense: Psychological Science in the Courtroom, the Handbook of Social Psychology, the Sage Handbook of Social Cognition, and Facing Social Class: How Societal Rank Influences Interaction.
Her graduate students arranged for her to win the University’s Mentoring Award; international advisees arranged for her to win the Mentoring Award from the Association for Psychological Science.
Individuals Honoring Susan Fiske:
Daniel Ames, University of California, Los Angeles
Kent Berridge, University of Michigan
Eugene Borgida, University of Minnesota
Christine Cameron
Laura Carstensen, Stanford University
Marvin Chun, Yale University
Judy Dubno, Medical University of South Carolina
*Robert Feldman, University of Massachussetts Amherst
Art Graesser, University of Memphis
Don Foss, University of Houston
Ana Guinote, University College London
Yoshi & Emi Kashima, The University of Melbourne & La Trobe University
Diana Liao, FABBS
Steven Neuberg, Arizona State University
Nora Newcombe, Temple Univesity
Michael North, New York University
Don Operario, Brown University
J Bruce Overmier, University of Minnesota
Wendy Rogers, Georgia Institute of Technology
Philip Rubin, Yale University
*Janet B Ruscher, Tulane University
Paula Skedsvold, FABBS
Allan Wagner, Yale University
Jeremy Wolfe, Harvard University
*FABBS would like to thank Dr. Janet Ruscher and Dr. Robert Feldman for nominating Dr. Fiske for this honor and for leading the effort.