Philip Zimbardo, PhD


Philip Zimbardo, PhD

In Honor Of… Philip Zimbardo

Honoring scientists who have made important and lasting contributions to the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior.

Philip Zimbardo, PhD
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus
Stanford University

Philip G. Zimbardo is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University, where he joined the faculty in 1968 and, three years later, published the Stanford Prison Experiment — a pioneering study on the psychology of imprisonment. Based on this research, Professor Zimbardo testified before Congress on the need for prison reform, served as an expert witness in the Abu Ghraib prison case, developed a Stanford Prison Experiment web site whose pages have been viewed more than 50 million times, and wrote a nonfiction bestseller (The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil). In 2005, a documentary about the study was released on DVD and is now used to train prison guards in Iraq so that abuses similar to Abu Ghraib are not repeated.

Professor Zimbardo grew up in the South Bronx area of New York City, attended Monroe High School with his future colleague Stanley Milgram, and earned his Ph.D. from Yale University. His record includes over 300 publications and many leadership roles, including President of the Western Psychological Association (twice), President of the American Psychological Association (APA), and Chair of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents (CSSP). He has also served as a board member of American Psychological Foundation and is President of the Philip G. Zimbardo Educational Foundation.

zimbardo2In addition to his record of research and leadership, Professor Zimbardo is a dynamic speaker and beloved teacher. Indeed, after teaching introductory psychology for 50 years, hosting the PBS television series Discovering Psychology, and coauthoring Psychology and Life (the longest continuously published introductory text in the history of psychology), he has probably introduced the field of psychology to more people than anyone else in the discipline. In recognition of this work, Professor Zimbardo was recently honored with the CSSP Sagan Award for Promoting Public Understanding of Science and the APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest.



Individuals Honoring Philip Zimbardo: 

Susan M. Anderson, New York University
Robert M. Arkin, Ohio State University
Gordon Bower, Stanford University
Laura L. Carstensen, Stanford University
Robert B. Cialdini, Arizona State University
Phoebe Ellsworth, University of Michigan
* Robert Feldman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Susan Fiske, Princeton University
Raymond D. Fowler
Richard Gerrig, Stony Brook University
Diane Halpern, Claremont McKenna College
Steven Hassan, Freedom of Mind Resource Center
Elaine Hatfield, University of Hawaii at Manoa
James M. Jones, University of Delaware
John T. Jost, New York University
Ellen Langer, Harvard University
Thomas Pettigrew, University of California, Santa Cruz
Allison Plous
Fijare Plous
* Scott Plous, Wesleyan University
Lee D. Ross, Stanford University
George Slavich, University of California, San Francisco
Barbara Wanchisen 

* The FABBS Foundation would like to thank Dr. Robert Feldman and Dr. Scott Plous for nominating Dr. Zimbardo for this honor and for leading the effort to spread the word about his nomination.


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