Annie T. Ginty, Ph.D., is Chair of the DEI Committee and Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University. She completed her Ph.D. in Behavioral Medicine at University of Birmingham. She was awarded the University of Birmingham’s Ratcliffe Prize for best Ph.D. in science. Her Ph.D. work examined the behavioral and neural correlates of diminished cardiovascular responses to acute psychological stress. Dr. Ginty was then awarded a two-year AXA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to investigate the relationship between biological responses to stress and adaptation during a stressful life transition. Dr. Ginty then completed a T32 Fellowship in Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine at University of Pittsburgh. She has been named a Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science and received the Herbert Weiner Early Career award from the American Psychosomatic Society. Dr. Ginty serves on the Editorial Board of Psychosomatic Medicine, is a consulting editor for Biological Psychology, and is a section editor for Stress & Health.
How does the brain link psychological experiences, such as stress, with cognitive, biological, and behavioral changes that matter for health? This question is at the heart of Dr. Ginty’s research program, which integrates neuroimaging, psychophysiological, neuroendocrine, and epidemiological methods. Her particular focus is on the neurobiology of the peripheral nervous system and cardiovascular responses to stress and their relationship with unhealthy behaviors and future disease.
For additional information about Dr. Ginty’s research, please visit the website for the Baylor Behavioral Medicine Laboratory.